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CitizenLab Danmark

CitizenLab, et globalt social impact scale-up firma med hovedkvarter i Bruxelles og tilstedeværelse i Danmark, arbejder på at gøre offentlig beslutningstagning mere samskabende, inkluderende og lydhør. Vores digitale platform bruges allerede af mere end 350 lokale regeringer og organisationer i over 18 lande og letter dialogen mellem kommuner og deres borgere. Siden grundlæggelsen i 2015 har CitizenLab givet 750.000+ borgere en direkte stemme i lokalpolitik, har fået anerkendelse som "Best Social Impact Startup in Europe" og er blevet omtalt i medier som The New York Times og Forbes. CitizenLab søger målrettede talenter til at slutte sig til os på vores mission om at sætte millioner af mennesker i byer og kommuner over hele verden i stand til at forme fremtiden for deres lokalsamfund.


Management Consultancy Founded in 2016, Personae (pɜː(ɹ)ˈsəʊnai) is a management consultancy that does business transformation on your terms. We are a motley group of highly skilled professionals with the one common goal of finding and releasing the potential in your business and leadership. As outsiders we help spot your opportunities. Once on the inside we help you shape the solutions, create the results as part of the team and reinforce the effects as trusted advisors. In addition to individual competences, our consultants also have deep and diverse experiences from clients in both the public and private sectors. Years of experience. Loads of tools and methodologies. Lots of successful projects. Oh, and yes some failures too. To DO we need to work the WHY before the WHAT – and always be certain of the HOW. And so, we help you understand WHY you need to act by asking the right questions. Remember that your business exists in an everchanging world governed by external factors such as politics and cultures, innovative technologies and a dynamic marketplace and, of course, your customers’ needs and ideas. Some companies struggle to keep pace, others beat the market. Where do you need to be? WHAT then is required to be in that sweet new position or to have those organisational capabilities enabling you to outperform others? Personae helps you develop and adjust the shape and content of your business. This may be the inner workings like the business or operating model, your process landscape or your tech capabilities. Or it may be your teams’ competencies, your products and services or the way you perform as leaders. Or all of the above. Now, understanding the WHY and knowing the WHAT leaves you with the task of getting it done. But going from blueprint to actual operations often leads to a road of failed initiatives or diluted objectives. Personae is born out of a HOW reality. Getting the job done is about the content, the process, and the people – all three areas must be dealt with in a structured manner. We work at a leadership level using change methods and project & programme management techniques to drive the change. We engage all relevant organisational levels in the daily operation to make the change stick and ensure the effect in your business.


Tradevision is building brands and selling them directly to the consumers through our own e-commerce stores. The company was founded in 2018 and has more than 50.000 happy customers in 11 countries. Our office is located in the center of Aalborg and we continuously innovate, test and develop new products and marketing strategies.

Beyond Coffee

Beyond Coffee producerer økologiske svampe på organisk materiale, som er blevet til overs i andre virksomheder. Eksempelvis østershatte i økologisk kaffegrums og pindsvinepigsvamp i flis fra et savværk. Vi bygger og faciliterer også MiniFarm som vi leaser til store virksomheder og kantiner, sådan at medarbejdere og kantiner kan høste deres egne svampe.


We enable people to be extraordinary so they can do extraordinary things. One of the ways we do this, is to help leaders and organisations with marketing managment that latches on to what causes customers to buy their product/service, so they can realize their organisations full commercial potential. Our vision is to make organisations and leaders see beyond their customers demographics and product category. Customers don’t just buy products/services, they actually pull them in into their life because they believe the value that a product/service add, and will help them make progress from a struggeling moment in a particulair task environment. Renaissance astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus reframed our view of the universe. The planets revolved not around the earth, but around the sun. Changing a well-established view of the world rarely happens overnight—and even when it happens, it still takes time to fully understand and grasp the new perspective. As you look at marketing through the lenses of the human, what you see is not your customer itself at the center of the universe, but rather the customer’s thinking in a particular task environment. It may seem like a small distinction—but it matters a great deal. In fact, it changes everything.


Are you ready for an itch free mosquito season? We present the easiest, quickest and healthiest way to remove an itching mosquito bite. We all know that frustrating and irritating feeling of an itch occurring after getting a mosquito bite. Even after using mosquito spray and other mosquito preventing products, you’ll still end up using the rest of the evening scratching your ankles like tomorrow never existed. Not only is the itching unbearable, but it will also result in many small wounds on your arms and legs, blood stains on your clothes and yet another summer where you feel less comfortable taking on a pair of shorts or a skirt. Some will try using different kinds of lotions and ointments, which work temporarily or not at all, and are filled with unhealthy chemicals. We know that every person has wished for an instant solution, which could remove this itching feeling from a mosquito bite. And that is what we have created. The NOITCH is a very simple device. The product is a heating pen in the form of a small cylinder which is easy to use and store when on the go. It works with just a push of a button and is able to remove the itching feeling within seconds with the use of controlled and heat treatment. Wave goodbye to swollen marks and scratched up legs. This product, NOITCH, is developed by the two young guys, Casper and Nicolai. The project started during the summer of 2020, when Nicolai came to Casper with an interesting idea. During mosquito seasons, he and his family had always used a “housewife trick” to get rid of the many mosquito bites. The trick was to heat up a metal spoon in boiling water and place it on the mosquito bite. After a little while the itching feeling was gone. Nicolai was then wondering how this trick works, why it isn’t more well-known and why there wasn’t a product on the market yet which could do just that. The heat treatment theory was afterwards confirmed to us by a doctor and professor from Aalborg University Hospital. We have together with a manufacturer from China created 2 functional prototypes, which we have tested on several people and by that proven the function of the product. Our heat treatment solution is approved by the Danish Medicines Agency. ITCHING MOSQUITO BITE? TREAT IT WITH NOITCH


WEstamp er den brugervenlige vej til smarte digitale kort (stempelkort, klippekort, medlemskort mv.) Vi leverer høj kvalitet til favorable priser. Vi tilbyder virksomheder digitale og brugervenlige kort-løsninger, så de kan følge den digitale udvikling, uden at skulle bruge en masse penge på en udvikler.

Zenegy ApS

Zenegy is a complete payroll system built on innovative solutions and helps automates the company's workflows. Zenegy works tirelessly to break ground for an entirely new generation of payroll systems. A payroll system where the classic pay-setup is a thing of the past allowing an open platform, innovation, and user-friendliness to take over. Zenegy offers a payroll experience that allows you to focus on what's important for your company while leaving the administration up to us and putting the information needed at your very fingertips. We're crazy about technology and the opportunities it brings. Zenegy is an interactive cloud-based payroll system, connecting companies, accountants, and employees to the very same site. Not to mention the fantastic possibility of working across all your favorite programs. Zenegy welcomes all sizes and types of companies. We've taken our payroll system to a whole other level and we are proud to be achieving our full potential. Spending pay and receiving it should be equally enjoyable. This is why we're absolutely committed to setting new standards for payroll systems Zenegy offers two different subscriptions: Zenegy Payroll and Zenegy HR. You can use them individually or use them in a combination. With Zenegy Payroll system, you can easily expand to HR where you'll get access to several HR-solutions. You can administrate courses, keep track of your company's items and access, save documents on employees' profiles, and thereby keep track of their employment, among others.

Silent Events

Innovative event solutions. Silent Events are using wireless headphones to solve challenges like: Surrounding noise: Isolate your experience so you wont bother your neighbors or other people in same area. Multiple stage setups in same area: Up to 30 stages, breakout rooms or sound feeds, at the same time. Keeping focus on presentations: No matter if you have a fitness instructor, teacher, speaker or DJ you will have full focus from the participant. Not limited by venue: The wireless system is 100% portable and can be used anywhere. If you feel that the forest will be the best place for you conference, make it so. Different genres of music in the same room at the same time: Dance together, but listen to different live DJs or bands at the same time. Participant distancing: Sometimes it is necessary to keep distance from other participants. The system makes it possible to stand with 200mtr between each participant if you want. Conference Solutions in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland with up to 50.000 headphones in stock.

Tipsy Mule

Having a party and forgot to take care of the cocktails? Don´t know any recipes? Too busy to go to 3 supermarkets looking for all necessary ingredients? No problem! Just choose your favourite cocktail and get a box with a whole bottle, all the ingredients, and the recipe you need to make your evening memorable. Offer your guests high quality cocktails with zero effort. Your evening will be a blast! All items are delivered within the hour in Copenhagen


ORDR er en platform, som hjælper frokostfirmaer med at holde overblikket i en travl hverdag. Med ORDR kan frokostfirmaer nemt få et overblik over deres kunder og modtage bestillinger fra disse via deres eget system, som ligger som en webapplikation. Udover at det er nemt for virksomheder at bestille deres frokost hos frokostfirmaet, så hjælper ORDR også med at holde styr på hvor meget der skal produceres i køkkenet, samt faktureringen af dets kunder.

Conscious Fashion Fair

Conscious Fashion Fair is a non-profit organization and a sustainable initiative in the modern consumer society. Our agenda is to create awareness of sustainable and conscious fashion to inspire towards more conscious consumer choices. We aim to be the link between consumers and sustainable brands by making COFF the consumer's transparent guide to sustainable and conscious fashion. COFF also wants to highlight the sustainable brands, making it easier to reach consumers who wish to shop more consciously.


Vicruit er en jobportal med videorekruttering. Rekrutteringsprocessen i dag er omstændig for både virksomheder og jobsøgende. Vicruit fjerner flere udfordringer ved den traditionelle jobsøgning og hjælper dig med at spare både tid og resourcer. Med videoansøgninger får du nemt og hurtigt et indtryk af den jobsøgende og den jobsøgende kan på samme tid søge sit drømmejob på få minutter.


Userfirst arbejder med søgemaskineoptimering (SEO), hjemmesider, og webshops. Vores mål er at du som virksomhed eller offentlig myndighed får flere og tilbagevendende besøgende på din hjemmeside, flere som finder din information, og flere som køber dine produkter. Du skal bruge Userfirst hvis: du vil være synlig i Google du vil sikre dig, at brugerne finder den information de søger på hjemmesiden. du vil skabe mere salg gennem din webshop. du vil gøre din hjemmeside/webshop mere brugervenlig

Bering og Søgaard

Hos Bering & Søgaard er vores fornemmeste opgave at hjælpe dig med at finde og booste dit eget potentiale. Du rummer nemlig (meget) mere, end du tror. Fordi tænk nu, hvis du kunne vågne op hver eneste dag og gøre præcis dét, du virkelig ønsker med al den glæde, mening og inspiration du altid har drømt om? Psst! … Det kan du. Succes er nemlig ikke resultatet af en hemmelig formel, som kun få udvalgte har adgang til.