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Showing: 4448 filtered startups ApS

Det er Computerfriends' vision at være Danmarks bedste support løsning for private og erhverv. Vi vil være kompetente, fleksible og billige. En sjælden kombination. Ved at have en grundig screening af vores supportere, og en stærk platform, arbejder vi os hver dag tættere på dette mål. Vi glæder os til at løse dine problemer, derved er du med til sammen med os, at ændre markedet for it support til private samt erhverv. Velkommen til en verden af support.


Vi er et fullservice bureau inden for digital læring og formidling. Vi hjælper virksomheder, kommuner, fagforeninger, brancheorganisationer, uddannelsesinstitutioner m.fl. med at digitalisere viden og blive endnu bedre til det, de gør, gennem skræddersyede digitale og blended learning forløb og læringsuniverser. er en prisportal for busudlejning i hele Danmark, hvor brugere lynhurtigt og nemt kan finde, sammenligne og booke busser til lige netop deres behov og budget – Inden for få sekunder søger vores algoritme blandt alle vognmænd og finder den bedste pris. Vi har gjort det let og overskueligt at finde den rigtige bus  Bookingabus tilbyder vi en bred vifte af bustyper, der dækker ethvert behov og som rækker fra f.eks. mini- og mellemstore busser til store busser og dobbeltdækkere.

Teamwork Family

Follow the procedure at Teamwork Family’ platform and you will increase your chances of an amicable divorce considerably.Teamwork Family is an objectively portal that helps divorced parents make and navigate through the many difficult and important choices - before, during and after a divorce.You will have a tool there takes care of all the agreements made and keep track on the financial balance between you and your ex-spouse. And you keep track on who has the kids at any given day/time. We acknowledge that feelings and emotional needs often dominate the process of making a parental agreement. We can't do anything about the statistics, but we can help you handle the necessary agreements so that your divorce becomes more manageable. We have gathered the parental agreement, the division of property, and the financial agreement in one place. We provide you with an overview of both the details and the bigger picture making agreements more transparent, objective and fair.


JUST MONEY aggregates and compares financial options for individual danes. At JUST MONEY we recognize that there are tons of finance options available online, but its hard to find the one that suits your needs.We at JUST MONEY have developed an unique algorithm, that can match you with your best ledning options online with just a few clicks.


Cloud-based solution for sports clubs and teams. Comprehensive member and club/team management. Payment processing as a service. Klubmodul has 2 offices in Denmark, 1 office in Oslo, 1 office in Hamburg.   Our Mission To provide sports team and club owners a complete online solution for all their online presence and member recruitment, sign-up, scheduling, and payment processing   Pain We Address Sport clubs are not proficient in setting up and managing team and member administration tools for their business online    Our Solution One-stop shop for all the tools needed to manage a team or club including the development and online management of the website, member signup, scheduling, communication (email/text) and payment collection/processing

Coffee Growers A/S

We are a fast-growing coffee exporting company, with our headquarter located in Bogota city. Based on our strict quality protocols, social awareness we offer customers the best quality and compliance with the highest sense of social and commercial responsibility. We operate as an NGO to support local coffee grower families in Colombia.


Elvium is a online recruitment software that changes the way businesses handle job applications. Elvium is a easy-to-use tool for HR managers. It is our vision to continue to deliver the most intuitive e-recruitment system.

Dataminds A/S

Dataminds specializes in Business Intelligence, Data Mining, and Big Data. We provide solutions that support decision-makers in making optimal business critical decisions. We are changing your data into knowledge.


We are on a mission to fill the gap between mainstream social media and the online dating universe. We want to make it easy for our users to organize private events with their friends. We want to make it even easier to connect with all the potentiel friends out there. We want to bring back the social aspect to social media. Our beta test reached number 12 on the App Store in under 30 hours. We will soon be launching SWING 2.0.

JobrettedeKurser offers a wide variety of courses that can be approved by your unemployment insurance fund as part of your customized employment plan. The job center will cover the expenses for a specialized six-week job training program, during which you will continue to receive unemployment benefits. In coordination with your unemployment insurance fund and the job center, a decision will be made to determine which six-week specialized training program is best suited to facilitate your successful re-entry into the job market. All courses offered by aim to equip you with new skills to enhance your employability.


Docendo is developing tools to help schools worldwide scheduling and plan their resources. Schools currently work in ad-hoc, centralized manner on resource planning which leads to suboptimal solutions and errors. At Docendo we build solutions that help delegate the work and make the numbers add up so no resources go wasted. At Docendo we strive to improve education for children worldwide.

We develop tools that help other companies develop exciting products like: 1. A build service that executes a projects test-suite and report back on Github. 2. Error reporting that automatically collects information and organises it in an interface. 3. Measure developer productivity. 4. Time tracking that automatically connects logged time with tasks, pull requests and commits. ...and much more!


Hvad er produktet? Fastr er en all-in-one service til virksomheder, der kan lease el-løbehjul til deres ansatte og dermed skabe deres egen flåde, hvor de sikrer sig at de ansatte nemt kan booke, komme rundt og er godt forsikret, når de benytter el-løbehjulet. Du kan læse mere på Med vores app kan medarbejderne i virksomhederne frit administrere, og have fuldt overblik over alle løbehjul i virksomhedens flåde. Medarbejderne kan nemt booke et løbehjul gennem appen. I appen kan i både åbne og låse løbehjulene, der gør det nemt og hurtigt på farten.

Home Connector

HC giver værdi til kunderne, ved at tilbyde en service i form af nem og sikker boligudlejning. De fleste kunder hos HC, både tidligere og nuværende har valgt samarbejdet grundet det høje serviceniveau og den komplette udlejningsaftale – hvor Home Connector som sagt står for alt for ekspedering af udlejers lejemål på diverse sites, fremvisninger, ind og udflyt samt alt administrativt arbejde der kunne følge med